Classic salad

Everyone wants a little classic meal that doesn’t have all those new ingredients. When your tired and need a late dinner all you want is a good classic meal. mid your like me and you like snacking but don’t want to eat bad snacks…then salad is your go to snack. even in cold weather aContinue reading “Classic salad”

Italian dressing

Simple italian dressing is a favorite of mine and is one of the easiest dressings to make! Using only herbs, olive oil, vinegar, sea salt, and black pepper! The only trick to making this dressing is having the right amounts of olive oil and vinegar. Totally… This dressing is totally vegan,dairy free, gluten free optionContinue reading “Italian dressing”

Marinated artichokes

This recipe is not only delicious, but very simple and no cooking required! this marinade is an italian twist with olive oil, garlic, black pepper, and oregano. This recipe makes two half pint jars, but one was devoured before I got a pic! The artichokes I used canned artichokes with no other added ingredients andContinue reading “Marinated artichokes”

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